Copyright (c) N.O.S.
2008, John Paul Jones
"It was a bright day in April, and the clocks
were striking thirteen
-- the first line of Orwell's 1984
"Nineteen Eighty-Four is a hell without a
countervailing heaven, the reign of Anti-Christ
for ever, not as a preliminary to the New
Jerusalem. There are no angels, only devils."
(Malcolm Pittock, Bloom's Modern Critical
Interpretations, page 113)
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Erich Fromm, in the afterword of my edition of
1984, wrote:
"The contribution of Orwell which
is most immediately the connection
he makes between the dictatorial society of 1984
and atomic war....Orwell demonstrates the
illusion of the assumption that democracy can
continue to exist in a world preparing for
nuclear war...." Although Fromm is right to
emphasize the pivotal importance of nuclear
weapons in Orwell's novel, it's not exactly the
issue of nuclear war but rather that of nuclear
terrorism that's raised by Orwell's book. The
terrorism being perpetrated against the populace
is Big Brother's doing, or so it's strongly
Even the war machine, according to the dogmas of
the Inner Party, exists to consume surplus goods
generated by the machine-based economy, so that
the hierarchical or pyramidal structure of
society can be perpetuated, in which case even
nuclear war is seen as serving the state and the
perpetuation of the inner Party--an elite cabal
at the top of the pyramid. Thus, to the inner
Party, war itself is state terrorism and has no
other purpose ultimately than to subjugate the
people under the heavy boot of Big Brother and
the Eye of the Thought Police. Terrorism is
essential to the elite because the whole system
depends on doublethink, and doublethink, Orwell
tells us, requires terror to split the
Thus, via strategically induced nuclear terror,
the Eye in the pyramid is preserved, and,
arguably, produced. The development of the atom
bomb, in contrast to the development of the
musket and rifle, resulted not in an
equalization of power between people and states
but in the concentration of power into the hands
of the few states that could understand and
develop nuclear weapons. The musket was an
equalizer and the atom bomb was elitist and
anti-egalitarian to the core; in fact, whether
the modern super-state in its present dark
incarnation is even possible without WMDs is
dubious. In any case, the Orwellian nightmare in
1984 was precipitated not only by the
development and use of atomic weapons but by a
cataclysmic nuclear war. Rising from this
conflagration, the dystopia envisioned by Orwell
emerged Phoenix-like from the flames, thus
mimicking or manifesting the occult maxim, as
echoed by Bonesmen and other fringe-Masonic
fraternities, that out of death comes new life,
if indeed such a horrific and monstrous
incarnation of tyranny can be called "life".
So, after Orwell has gone to great lengths to
show us the evils of totalitarian statism, the
publishers, eager evidently to get in the last
word, put in, as an afterword, their man for all
reasons, the socialist, Mr. Fromm, who,
attempting to justify his socialist mind set,
tells us that Orwell's mission was to show us
that freedom and democracy are incompatible not
with the consolidation and centralization of
power, per se, nor with socialism, of course,
but with nations preparing for nuclear war, in
which case, if such is the case, we might solve
the problem by creating a globo-socialist
republic, perhaps of the kind envisioned by the
German Freemason and socialist Jew, Mr. Karl
Marx. No nations would be preparing for nuclear
war, in that case, because there would be only
one globo-nation.
This world socialist federation is the ideal
expressed, for example, by Freemason and former
"Karl Marx,
Jewish Freemason who inspired Lenin with
his socialist theories, was secretly a
high priest of Satan. He's seen here
giving a Masonic hand sign. See
Richardson's Monitor of
Freemasonry, p. 74." (Texe Marrs
of P.O.P.)
Also see
Wurmbrand's Marx & Satan and
Freemasonry as the Hidden
Power Behind Communism.
leader of Israel, Ben-Gurion, in an interview in
Look magazine, and it's also the ideal "devoutly
to be desired", as expressed by numerous
influential Freemasons, e.g., Harry S. Truman,
H.G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley. This is the
plan publicly and plainly promoted as part of
the "Open Conspiracy", as H.G. Wells called it.
It's a vision that appeals to people of all
classes who hope for global peace and
prosperity, thus making it uniquely useful in
gaining grass-roots support for breaking down
nation-states and building bigger and bigger
blocks or spheres of influence via the solve et
coagula, i.e., break down and build, alchemical
formula. But is there possibly, in the uppermost
ranks of the plotters, a hidden agenda, an
invisible ideology, a closed conspiracy?
This idea of a global socialist democracy has
great appeal as an alleged way to end war, yet
if Orwell's vision is at all accurate, that will
never happen because it's in the interests of
the elite to preserve their elite status, which
can only be done through war, from which they
not only profit but preserve their identity as
the Eye, so to speak, at the top of the pyramid,
i.e., the ultra-elite. In that case, if indeed
the ultra-elite require war to preserve their
power-base, the only viable global government
for them is one that remains an invisible empire
of sorts, i.e., an occult conspiracy. If wars
are needful to the Eye in the triangle, nations
are needed to wage wars against each other, yet
this Orwellian separation of powers into three
waring entities does not preclude a hidden
global governing elite but arguably presupposes
one insofar as the evolution of a triplicity of
state-power was the deliberate design of those
in the Eye of the triangle. This global occult
government would be a far cry from the utopian
world federation envisioned by many of the most
ardent exponents of globalism, but it would
arguably be much more in line with the current
pyramidal power structure, not to mention
humankind's bloody and benighted history.
In Orwell's book, even the numerology points to
the importance of the pyramidal structure. There
are three party slogans, three classes, and the
Orwellian world is divided into three super-spy
states, each of which shares the same death-cult
ideology designed to preserve the pyramidal
social strata of each society. Just as each
super-spy state has an Eye in the triangle, so
to speak, or an inner party elite, there
arguably exists an international ultra-elite,
which is to say, the apex of the worldwide
meta-pyramid, consisting of the Big Brotherhood,
i.e., a hidden transnational secret society,
whose bulwark and basis consists of the
aforementioned totalitarian states which provide
the balance of power or equilibrium that's
required to support the Eye of the pyramid:
specifically, they provide the pretext for
perpetual war and the consequent destruction of
surplus goods. In this way, the productive
capacity of the machine economy is used up
without raising the general standard of living.
As long as the three states remain in conflict,
Orwell tells us,
"they prop one another up, like
three sheaves of corn". (Orwell, page 197)
Since war and terror are viewed as absolutely
necessary to preserve the status quo of the
power-elite, there must always remain an enemy
who can inspire terror, in which case a global
democratic federation would never do, unless
perhaps they could manufacture or introduce some
kind of alien, other-wordly, "monster of the
month", as Texe Marrs calls the necessary and
nefarious peril that perpetually precludes
peace. Perhaps, however, an enemy within would
In any case, in Orwell's novel, we can
reasonably surmise the existence of an
supra-national Big Brotherhood behind the
perpetual warfare because, as we are told in the
book supposedly written by Goldstien but
actually written in part by O'Brien, the three
super-states were forseen before the middle of
the 20th century. Forseen by whom? Necessary for
whom? Planned by whom? If the triplicity of
power was forseen so early, would it be
unreasonable to suppose that the need for it was
also forseen, and once it was forseen, fostered?
In the book supposedly written by Goldstien we
are also told:
"From the moment when the machine
first made its appearance it was clear to all
thinking people that the need for human
drudgery, and therefore to a great extent the
need for inequality, had disappeared....But it
was also clear that an all-round increase in
wealth threatened the destruction--indeed, in
some sense was the destruction-- of a
hierarchical society."
Thus long before the need
for the three super states was perceived, the
problem presented by the new productive capacity
of the machine-based economy became apparent to
those who wished to maintain the pyramidal
structure of society and their elite status
within it.
We are told, further, that war is necessary for
the elite in each society as the only
psychologically acceptable way of eliminating
this threat by destroying the wealth that would
otherwise be used to raise the general standard
of living. While desire to perpetuate the
existing status quo might explain why the elite
in each society participate in a hidden agenda
to preserve privilege and power at the price of
perpetual war, it cannot explain why this state
of affairs, forseen so long ago, transpired. In
other words, if things took their natural
course, the general standard of living of all
classes would improve, and since, by this
account, the elite perceived the "problem" early
on, knowing that it was only problematical to
them, because it would eliminate the decisive
advantages of their elite status, the question
arises as to who prevented the natural course of
events. It will not do, then, to suppose that
the tri-totalitarian mega-states evolved as the
natural course of events. It was exactly because
the natural course of events was forseen as
unacceptable that a problem presented itself to
the elite in the first place, and so we can
surmise with good reason that the splitting-up
of the world into three great super states,
which was forseen before the middle of the 20th
century, transpired by "design of darkness to
What's more, much more, as a matter of
historical record, neither the European Union
nor the proposed Union of the Americas evolved
haphazardly but as the result of careful
planning and consistent plotting and plodding by
Judeo-Masonic network.
As early as 1884, and
probably much earlier,
Catholic leaders and researchers,
Msgr. Dillon,
Father Huchede,
Pope Leo XIII,
among others,
warned of the growing menace of a monstrous
Masonic super-state that seemed, even at that
time, to almost control the nations of Europe.
In 1930,
Catholic priest and author,
Father Fahey,
predicted the rise of the European Union
(Eurasia) and the establishment of the state of
Israel by Judeo-Masonry.
Meanwhile, the famous
Msgr. Jouin, the Catholic
equivalent of Sherlock Holmes, warned of the
hypostatist union of Freemasonry and
international Jewish finance.
How did Catholic priests know of the EU so many
decades before it came into existence? The
historical record establishes beyond doubt that
some did indeed forsee what in fact did
transpire because they were aware the the
machinations and plans of the occult hierarchy,
as they had been laid out in various Masonic
blueprints, e.g., the Alta Vendita, which was
co-authored by a Rothschild, according to
Eustice Mullins.
If, as seems to be the case, the "Invisible
Empire", or what Pope Pius IX called "the
synagogue of Satan", planned and proselytized
and otherwise promoted this outcome, would we
not be correct to call this
Empire, or Big Brotherhood, a global occult
(i.e., hidden) government of sorts? Is it not
also possible, or probable even, that due to
Orwell's occult entanglements in corporate
Freemasonry and the Golden Dawn, which was the
personal coven of the English branch of the
Rothschilds, according to Springmeier, Orwell
understood or surmised the real agenda of the
Big Brotherhood behind Big-Brotherism, and
knowing their philosophy, more or less, inferred
what would follow logically from that?
Just as the three classes in Orwell's novel
provide the basis for the Eye in the triangle
within each super-state, wherein there exist
three classes: 1) the proles; 2) the outer
party; 3) and the inner party, so likewise the
three super-states provide the basis for the Eye
in the global power structure. The three
super-states, each comprised of three classes.
form the tetrahedral-shaped pyramid, the topmost
point of which, the apex, consists of the Big
Brotherhood behind Big Brother, which is to say,
point four is the Eye in the triangle, which is
propped up by the three states, yet if one
thinks only dually, in two dimensions, there is
no fourth point--just three, where the top of
the triangle in each state is the inner party.
Thus the three super states provide the basis
for a global pyramid, or global occult
government, which must remain hidden because the
elite in each state must believe in the reality
of the warfare being constantly waged, even
though, at some level, they're aware of the
unreality of the perpetual war. They realize, if
only unconsciously, that the war is a pretense
of sorts, a monstrous criminal racket, a bloody
and benighted mystical charade. Thus we are told
that by means of doublethink the Party members
of each state maintain a
"mystical belief that
the war is real".
For although the combat is
indeed mortal to mortals engaged in battle, the
combat is unreal in the spiritual sense; that
is, just as there is no intent to utterly
destroy the enemy, there is no intent to destroy
evil because the entire system is based on the
occult paradigm which holds that evil is
needful, and therefore, good. (See The
Eschatology of Solomon's Seal, Paranoia,
December 2007. Also see
What Evil Is And Why It Matters)
So, if we visualize, in 3 dimensions, the eye in
the triangle, we see that the three spy states
are the basis or support needed to hold the
capstone in place, so to speak, i.e., the eye in
the triangle, the Big Brotherhood behind Big
Brother. The fourth point of the triangle, the
apex, must remain unseen from lower-levels, or
from a two dimensional perspective, so to speak,
because the party members must be focused on the
duality of us versus them, good versus evil,
white arrow versus black arrow, etc., to
maintain morale.
Thus towards the end of the novel we read:
"He had a map of Africa behind his eyelids. The
movement of the armies was a diagram: a black
arrow tearing vertically southward, and a white
arrow tearing horizontally eastward, across the
tail [like an Ourobros?] of the first. As
though for reassurance he looked up at the
imperturbable face in the portrait. Was it
conceivable that the second arrow did not
Note how "the second arrow", the white
one, symbolizes good, and it's the reality of
this triangle that Winston doubts. At some level
Winston senses the mystical charade, yet
doublethink keeps him riveted on the
two-dimensional, black-white, twin-pillar
Kabbalistic con game. This is the double-mind
and the double-bind, the false dichotomy, as
Craig Heimbichner has
pointed out. By means of this "pharoanic fraud",
says Heimbichner, the people are duped and
become the puppets of the hidden elite. The Eye
which sees but cannot be seen, sees the Big
Picture, so to speak, but those below the Big
Brotherhood remain in the dark.
Although the existence and nature of the
Brotherhood is never overtly confirmed in
Orwell's novel, neither is it denied. The
question of its existence and nature is left
open when O'Brien tells Winston that the
existence of the Brotherhood will always remain
a riddle in Winston's mind. The Big
Brotherhood's existence is only hinted at, yet
its existence, as well as its evil nature, can
be inferred. No overt revelation can be made of
it because the book is written from the
perspective of Winston, O'Brien, and other
characters who are caught in the snare and taken
in by the subterfuge, else, possibly,
blood-oath-bound and unwilling to divulge their
knowledge to outsiders. To say the global
government is occult is just to say that it's
hidden from the sight of plain people in plain
sight, and of the few who know of it, fewer
still are at liberty to share their knowledge
because, after all, it's the nature of a secret
society to keep secrets and of the all-seeing
Eye to remain unseen. For its light is darkness,
and its invincible shield is the invincible
ignorance of the proles. "Science est potentia",
knowledge is power, they say, yet not power
under, not power to serve, but power over the
people who are under the black boot of Big
Brother and the all-seeing eye of the Thought
Police. Seeing all, it sees nothing.
We see, then, that the process of this paradigm,
whereby duality or the polarization of opposites
is used to generate the Eye in the Triangle, can
be emblematized by Solomon's Seal, where the two
triangles represent the duality that engenders
triplicity. The two
triangles become
three hourglass symbols.
Two plus two becomes
666, i.e., two threes become six become
seven. The
seven, or center of the hexagram, like the
fourth or top point of the tetrahedron pyramid
(i.e, the Dragon's
Eye) represents the
Eye in the Triangle, and the whole purpose
of the process of
this paradigm is to ultimately produce the
ultimate incontestable power, the Eye in the
Triangle. Thus, when the two circles, signifying
opposite principles, join to produce the
vesica pisces,
the Eye is formed. Thus, when the two triangles
of Solomon's Seal are
joined, the center space, where the Eye is
located, is formed. Thus, in the acronym
when the 'I', representing the
penis, joins with the 'O' representing the
vagina, the dot in the
the Eye is produced, which is the 'A',
the cone, which, when viewed from above, looks
like the dot in a circle, the retina of the Eye.
And so it goes. The Process of the paradigm
thus has no other purpose than to produce the
pyramid's Eye, whose light is darkness, i.e.,
sin, in which case, since the process of yoking
good with evil is simply the process of
corrupting that which is good, we see how the
process is not only needful to generate the Eye
but needful to give it "light", so to speak,
or vision.
From a Christian and practical perspective, this
practice of yoking good and evil together simply
results in the corruption of good. Analogously,
if we take two slabs of hamburger, one good and
the other rotten, then mix them together, this
makes the good meat bad and does nothing to make
the bad meat good. The same tends to be true of
people. Once this fact is understood, we can see
how, in Orwell's 1984, Winston Smith unwittingly
parrots the nihilistic and satanic credo of the
innermost party when he tells his lover:
hate purity. I hate goodness. I don't want
virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone
corrupt to the bones."
That might well be the
perfect summation of the purpose of Solomonic
sorcery as symbolized by its tell-all talisman,
Seal of Solomon.
In the Eye of evil, the only evil is
separation from evil.
In J.R.R.
Tolkien's trilogy, this same sorcerous
process and purpose is expressed this way:
Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them;
one Ring to bring them all and in the darkness
bind them."
The Ring symbolizes sin, as does
Solomon's Seal, so when the Ring is destroyed,
the Eye, whose
light is darkness or sin, crumbles blindly
into oblivion. This expresses a spiritual law as
real as any law of physics. The moral:
"be ye therefore separate
and touch not the unclean thing."
In other words, Jesus Christ
diagnosed the problem perfectly:
"Those who sin
are slaves, and slaves have no rights."
That is, the cause of tyranny and slavery is
sin, as signified by Solomon's Seal. For what
is it to sin but to join oneself in some way
with evil? And what is Solomonic sorcery if
not the dark art of ritually, symbolically, and
systematically corrupting good by yoking good to
evil? The only solution to tyranny is
sanctification, i.e., separation from evil, as
signified by the Catholic crucifix. The answer
to 1984 is not 1776 or 1948, i.e., the year
Israel was established. The answer to 1984 is
timeless: "sin no more." In the end, according
to the Bible, Jesus Christ will separate the
good from the evil, thus reversing the sorcery
signified by the Seal of Solomon. This reversal
of the process, which consists, symbolically
speaking, of tearing apart the two interlocked
triangles, destroys the Eye at the center of the
hex. To hex is to blind; to un hex is to restore
sight to the blind, to destroy the hoodwink, and
thereby blind the Eye of evil, whose light is
darkness, i.e., sin.
It's interesting to note that
IAO , the acronym
used by Qabalist Crowelyites to refer to their
god, appeared as the acronym of the Information
Awareness Office that featured the All-Seeing
Eye of Judeo-Freemasonry; this is no coincidence
in my opinion. The Eye is the agency whereby
none can separate unseen, unhindered, or
unharmed. Solomon's Seal signifies the process
of being yoked to their god, IAO:
"...I.A.O. as
a magick formula it should be remarked is that
it is essentially the formula of Yoga or
meditation; in fact, of elementary mysticism in
all its branches", according to
http://www.sacred-texts/oto/aba/chap5.htm, where
Crowley's Magick In Theory and Practice is
located at the time of this writing. The word
'yoga', I'm told, means 'yoke', and yoga is the
process whereby one is yoked with the god Siva,
or Shiva, i.e., IAO, Bel, or Sol, the sun god,
the cabbalistic number of which is 666,
according to Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia.
Thus Jesus Christ said He came to bring a sword,
which I take to mean one to cut asunder this
yoking together of good with evil, and that He
came to bring
division, i.e.,
speaking, to sever the union of the triangles of
Solomon's Seal, i.e., to separate the wheat from
the chaff, good from evil, truth from lie; He
further told us that He came to give sight to
blind, but also, to blind those who can see, and
when He said this, He was speaking to the
Pharisees, who were arguably practitioners of
the Kabbalah
whom Jesus called a "den of vipers".
Symbolically, this reversal of Solomonic
Sorcery, whereby the two triangles are
separated, destroys the center space, where the
Eye is located, thus emblematically blinding the
evil Eye.]
Although the point is not explicitly drawn,
everything in Orwell's novel points to the point
in the circle, the Eye of the Triangle, the
Crowleyian Judeo-Masonic occluded and occult
closed conspiracy. So much, then, for the
H.G.-Wellsian publicly promulgated "Open
Conspiracy". Quite possibly, the Orwellian
closed conspiracy is the real game plan and end
game, or in any case, a necessary pre-requisite
or stepping-stone of the occult paradigm, or so
we might surmise. Those in the "Open
Conspiracy", who are given to the exoteric
political ideology, which promises world peace
and prosperity, unwittingly serve the esoteric
ideology of the closed conspiracy which seeks
not peace but perpetual war and privation as the
means to power.
Evidently, Orwell himself had been taken in by
the exoteric ideology but later awakened to the
reality of the situation:
"Ten years before he
wrote 1984, Orwell too believed that the unfree
society of the future would at any rate provide
happiness: '[...] the slave-state, or rather the
slave-world', which he envisaged as the probable
outcome if Facism triumphed, 'would probably be
a stable form of society, and the chances are,
considering the enormous wealth of the world if
scientifically exploited, that the slaves would
be well-fed and contented".
("Totalitarianism. A new story? An Old Story",
by Laurence Lerner, Bloom's Modern Critical
Interpretations: 1984, page 73)
But the real outcome of the Qabbalist paradigm,
as Orwell later discovered and encapsulated in
the party slogans, is monstrous tyranny: 1)
FREEDOM IS SLAVERY means simply that our slavery
is their freedom to do what they will with us.
Thus there are no laws in Oceana. This is in
keeping with the Crowleyian dogma: "Do As Thou
Will..." Even though there are no laws, or
rather because there are no laws, the Thought
Police can arrest anybody at any time for any
reason to torture, rape, or vaporize at will as
they wish. 2) WAR IS PEACE means that our war is
their peace; 3) IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH means
simply that our ignorance is their power to
deceive and manipulate us. Thus, the proles have
no idea what the party slogans actually mean.
Emblematically, the refutation and rebuke of
this occult closedness and cruelty is the
catholic Crucifix, which reaches out to all
people to openly declare: "I love you this
much!". It's no secret, either, that Catholic
faith, insofar as it is truly catholic, cannot
contain exclusiveness, esotericism, or elitism.
The problem of evil and its solution is
signified in the crucifix. In contrast, the
crossed and closed arms of the hexagram can only
lead us in a circling spiral to the pit, or
point, which is the Eye in the Triangle, the Eye
of a perfect storm, i.e., dot in the circle,
which is to say, as Orwell said so well by his
book, to hell on earth.
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* END OF ESSAY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bloom, Alan, ed. (2007) 1984: Bloom's Modern
Critical Interpretations, Chelsea House
Bothwell-Gosse, A., Mathers, Liddell MacGreggor
The Knights Templars & the Key of Solomon the
King, A Tom Doherty Associates Book, New York
Butler, Alan, Knight, Christopher (2007)
Solomon's Power Brokers: The Secrets of Freemasonry,
The Church, and the Illuminati, Watkins Publishing,
Carrico, David L. (1997) The Great Seal of the United States:
Its Occult Meaning, Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries,
This is one of the best books on the subject
and can be ordered by calling: 812 477 6338.
Cantel, Shaw, Anders (2009) A Companion Guide to
"The Lost Symbol" (Dan Brown's New Novel): Unlocking
Mysteries With Solomon's Key, Tango Publishing
Cherubim, David (1992) Thelemic Numbers and Words,
( See also
Crowley, Aleister (1986) The
Equinox, Vol. III, No. 10, WEISER BOOKS
Cherep-Spirindovich, Count (1926)
The Secret World Government, Omni Books
Aleister () Majick In
Theory and Practice
George (1884) Freemasonry as the Hidden Power Behind
Freemasonry, with an introduction by Father Fahey, 1950,
Omni Christian Books
Duquette, Lon Milo (2006) The Key to Solomon's Key: The
Secrets of Magic and Masonry, Consortium of Collective
Gardner, Laurence (2005)
The Shadow of Solomon, Barnes & Noble, New York
Gest, Kevin L. (2007) The Secrets of Solomon's Temple: Discover
The Hidden Truth that Lies at the Heart of Freemasonry,
Fair Winds Press, Glouchester, MA
Heimbichner, Craig (2005) Blood On The Altar, Independent
History & Research
Heimbichner, Craig
Was Cardinal Rompallo A Freemason?, available currently at
Hilder, Anthony (2007) Skull
& Bones: The Catholic Connection
Hodapp, Christopher (2007) Solomon's Builders: Freemasons,
Founding Fathers, and the Secrets of Washington, D.C.,
Ulysses Press, Berkeley, California
Hoffman, Michael A. (2001) Secret
Societies and Psychological Warfare, Independent
History & Research
Hoffman, Michael (2000) Judaism's Strange Gods, Independent
History and Research, at
Hobson, David (?)
Jones, Alex () End Game, a video
documentary available at
Jones, Alex () Masters of Terror,
a video documentary available at
Jones, Alex () Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove,
a landbreaking video documentary by Alex Jones, available
Jones, John Paul (1999) TROLL
Cams: The 'All-Seeing' Eyes of GOG (Global Occult
Government), first published in January 2002,
magazine, Issue 28, page 37; subsequently re-published
in the book The New Conspiracy Reader, 2004,
Citadel Press, Kensington Publishing Corporation,, on pages 411-417. Now available as
of this writing on the internet at, Google e-books, and elsewhere.
Jones, John Paul (1977) What
Evil Is and Why It Matters,
Paranoia magazine,
Fall, 2003, 62-64.
(Also posted at<
and here at and elsewhere.)
Jones, John Paul (2008) "The
Kabbalah Unmasked: The Eschatology of Solomon's Seal",
Paranoia magazine, January, 2008
currently you can buy
this essay at
Paranoia magazine's website.
Jones, John Paul (2004) "The Hammer & Sickle as a Symbolical
Synonym of the Seal of Solomon", available as of this writing at
Jones, John Paul (2002) "Whose Eye's Light Is Darkness?",
also partly published in
Paranoia magazine.
Jones, John Paul (2008) "The Once and Future King
Versus the All-Seeing Eye of the Dark Lord"
* Keller, Timothy (2008) "The Ten Commandments", an audio sermon by the
Pastor of First Redeemer Church, NYC.
(It is to Dr. Keller that I owe the insight
that the Ring of Power in Tolkien's trilogy symbolizes sin, i.e.,
idolotry, or what Saint Augustine called
disordered desire, which is to say, loving bad things or good things too
much; Keller quotes from Tolkien's letters to
prove his point.)
Lomas, Robert (2006)
Turning the Solomon Key: George Washington, The Morning Star,
a d the Secrets of Masonic Astrology, Fair Winds Press,
Glouchester, Massachusetts
Marrs, Texe (2005)
Codex Magica, available at
Mathers, Samuuel LIddell MacGreggor (1997) The Goetia: The Lesser Key
of Solomon the King, WEISER BOOKS, Boston, MA, York Beach, ME,
(Revised and corrected second printing, 1997, Copyright (c)
1995, Ordo Templi Orientis, O.T.O. International Headquarters,
P.O. Box 684098, Austin, TX 78768)
Mullins, Eustice () World Order,
Orwell, George (1949) 1984,
SIGNET CLASSIC, with afterword by Erich Fromm
Naudon, Paul (1991) The Secret
History of Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the
Knights Templar, Inner Traditions
Nichols (2003) The Ritual Desecration
of Arlis Perry, available as of this writing at
Pinay, Maurice () The Plot Against the Church,,
available in print with introduction by Father Fahey at
Omni Christian Book Club
Pike, Theodore () Israel, Our Duty, Our Dilemma,
available at, also available at
Omni Christian Book Club
Pope Leo XIII (1884) Humanum Genus,
TAN Books
Lady () Occult Theocracy, Omni Christian Books,
available at
Omni Christian Book Club
The Talmud
, available in book for at
Omni Christian Book Club
Shahak, Israel (1994) Jewish History, Jewish Religion,
Pluto Press, available at
(See especially the chapter entitled "A Closed Utopia?")
Salza, John () Masonry Unmasked,
Tolkien, J.R.R. () The Letters of
J.R.R. Tolkien
Robison, John J. (1989) Born In Blood,
M. Evans, New York
Schimmel, Joe () They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll,
outstanding video documentary, a must see, the ten hour
version is best; it shows the inredible influence that
Kabbalist occultists, esp. Crowley, have had on popular
culture through the music industry, available at
Please do yourself a favor and support Pastor Schimmel
and buy this video!
Twyman, Tracy R. (2005) Solomon's Treasure: The Magic
and Mystery of America's Money, Dragon Key Press,
Portland, Oregon
Vennari, John (1999)
The Alta Venditta: THe Masonic Blueprint for Infiltration
and Subversion of the Catholic Church,
TAN Books
Wasserman, James (2004) The Slaves Shall Serve: Meditations On Liberty,
Sekmet Books, New York
Wells, H.G. (1939) The New
World Order
Wells, H.G. (2002) The Open
Conspiracy, PRAEGER (first published in 2002)
Wells, H.G. (1953) Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the
Roman Catholic Church
"What's Beyond Freemasonry", Cornelia R. Ferreira, CFN,
Wurmbrand, Richard (1986) Marx
& Satan, Living Sacrifice Book Company ,
available at
* * * * END NOTES AND QUOTES * * * *

[Graphic here is from "The Kabbalah Unmasked:
Eschatology of Solomon's Seal",
John Paul Jones,
Paranoia magazine,
January, 2008.
Aleister Crowley,
who is pictured here giving an
alternate version of the
horned hand sign,
inducted Freemason George Orwell into the
Qabbalistic magical fraternity the Golden Dawn,
which was the private coven of the English
branch of the Rothschilds, according to Fritz
Springmeier. Crowley, a Freemason and main
mystagogue of the
., is sometimes called
the father of modern satanism; his "do your own
thing" philosophy goes as far back as Rabelais
(1494-1553), an "accepted Mason", and his abbey
of Theleme. The Thelemites had only one motto:
"Do What You Will." This philosophy explains
why, in Orwell's 1984, there were no laws in
Oceana, and yet it was the most monstrous
"In the vast majority of cases there
was no trial, no report of the arrest. People
simply disappeared..." (George Orwell, 1984,
page 19) This lawlessness is based on the law of
Theleme. To be free to do as they wish with the
slaves, the
Qabbalist cryptocrats
lawlessness. Thus we are told that in Oceana,
"nothing was illegal..." Why? To quote
"The Word of Sin is restriction." (Crowley,
Equinox, Vol. III, No. 10, page 31, WEISER
BOOKS.) Is it perhaps this "freedom" from
restriction that Freemason A.E. Waite alludes to
with characteristic Qabalistic crypto-mockery,
as quoted next?
"When the Masonic Temple shall shine over the
whole universe, when its roof shall be the blue
heaven, the poles its wall, the Throne and the
Church its pillars, then will the powers of the
earth themselves bow down before it, will
deliver into our hands the domination of the
world and bequeath that freedom to the people
which we have laid up in store for them. May the
Master of the world give us yet another hundred
years, and then shall we attain that end so
ardently desired" Freemason and Qabbalist
magician Waite, "Waites' Encyclopedia", p. 74 of
Volume I, as quoted in secondary source, "The
Gods of the Lodge" by Reginald C. Haupt, Jr. The
"freedom" they have prepared for us isn't nearly
so bad as the place God has prepared for them if
they die unrepentant.
"One point of this future triangle will emerge
out of the field of world governments, of
politics and statesmanship; another will appear
out of the world religions, and a third out of
the general field of world economics and
finance." (Alice Baily, Masonic advocate,
founder of Lucis Trust, formerly incorporated as
Lucifer Publishing in 1924, which organization
is in charge of the U.N.'s meditation room,
according to Texe Marrs, in "Circle of
Intrigue," page 177)
"At this same World Masonic Congress in 1917,
the the general guidelines for a League of
Nations were approved and adopted." (Foster
Baily, husband of Alice Baily, 33rd Degree
Freemason, in "Changing Esoteric Values," where
he describes how world Masonry was instrumental
in establishing both the League of Nations and
the United Nations in the hope of establishing a
world government. This is from secondary source
Texe Marrs, "Circle of Intrigue" pages 150-152)
"Let the lower interest be betrayed to the
higher, the particular benefit of any given
country to the Commonwealth of the whole world."
(Freemason & black witch, Aleister Crowely, as
quoted in Blood At the Altar by Craig
"I am for world-control of production and of
trade and transport, for a world coinage, and
the confederation of mankind. I am for the
super-State, and not for any League." H.G.
Wells, British spy, Freemason, and futurist,
quoted in the introduction of The Open
"All armies will be abolished, and there will be
no more war. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a
truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the
Prophets to serve the federated union of all
continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme
Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies
among the federated continents, as prophesied by
(David Ben-Gurion, Prime minister of
Israel (and Freemason according to Texe Marrs),
Look magazine.
In The Shape of Things to Come, H.G. Wells, who,
like Orwell, was a Freemason and British intel
agent, provided a similar scenario of a new
order rising from the ashes of a world war, but
unlike Orwell's dystopian vision, Wells was an
optimistic advocate and believer in "military
action used to speed and safeguard the
transition to a peaceful world order", according
to W. Warren Wagar. The "peaceful world order"
is a euphemism for global government that would
rise Phoenix-like from the ashes of yet another
world war to supposedly render war obsolete. In
the introduction to Wells' The Open Conspiracy,
Warren Wagner wrote:
"He [Wells] described the emergence of
a world
state from the ashes of a second world war in
The Shape of Things to Come and in the film
based on that remarkable novel, Things to Come.
He supplied the same scenario, essentially, in
another novel published on the eve of the real
World War Two, The Holy Terror (1939). And he
continued his propaganda for Cosmopolis through
most of the evil years of that all-too-real
Armageddon, reviewing his plans and hopes one
more time in Phoenix: A summary of the
Inescapable Conditions of World Reorganization
(1942)." [Brackets mine.]
"Jerusalem will become the ideal capital of the
new Universal State."
(Michael Higger, The Jewish Utopia)
Thus, while States are gravitating toward a Universal
Republic, the Super-State becomes an infrangible
dictature, which according to its will grinds them down
or else thoroughly infects them; that
Super State
is called
JUDEO-MASONRY." (Jouin, page 24,
The Papacy &
Freemasonry, 1930)
The image to the right is sometimes called "the
navel of the world". Jerusalem is said, also,
to be the navel of the world.
Israel, founded in 1948, the same year that
George Orwell completed and put out his famous
novel, 1984; the title has nothing to do with a
timetable but was derived by reversing the two
end digits of the year 1948. Also: "To begin
with, he did not know with any certainty that
this was 1984", so it might just as well have
been 1987 or 2084. (George Orwell, 1984, page 7)
"Rings, in a way akin to seals, can grant one
power over the spirits. Solomon enslaved demons
with a magical ring (Testament of Solomon)."
(Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis, Jewish Myth, Magic, and
Mysticism, p 220.
"For the good of Masonry, generally, but the
Jewish nation in particular. Royal Arch Degree
of Freemasonr" (Heimbichner, Craig, Blood
On The Altar, page 83)
The Alex Jones interview with Russo, a friend of
Rockerfeller's, illustrates this point also.
Russo discovered how the feminist movement, for
example, though promoted as an altruistic way to
help exploited women, actually had a darker
ulterior motive; 1) to help break up the family
by moving women into the work force and away
from their children, thus making children more
dependent upon Big Brother, i.e., public school,
in their formative years; 2) bring women into
the work force to tax them and gain more revenue
to fund Big Brother's black ops and other
projects, not the least of which is simply to
bribe citizens with various "free" benefits
to support Big Brotherism. Russo, who had
supported the feminism movement and considered
it a noble endeavor, said he was shocked to find
that the the real goal behind modern political
events was simply to keep the pyramidal gridlock
of society intact and preserve the pyramid of
Lastly, this has been my interpretation of
Orwell's novel 1984, which was my educated guess
about Orwell's educated guess as to the
inner teachings and ultimate outcome of the
Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, so his
prognostications or warnings were speculations,
and my reckonings here are merely speculations
about his speculations and do not necessarily
reflect my own conjectures about the future.
Freemasonry must die, or liberty must die." -- Charles G. Finney
"Those who sin are slaves, and slaves have no rights."
-- Jesus Christ, John 8:34
"Qabalah is the heart of the
Western Hermetic tradition; it is the foundation upon which the art
of Western magic rests." -- Sandra and Chic Cicero, the authors of "The
Essencial Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic",
page 96. Llewlellyn Publications
"For by thy sorceries were all nations decieved." Rev. 18:23
Disclaimer: Opinions posted on
this website are those of the
individual posters and do not necessarily
represent the opinions of N.O.S.
or Craig Heimbichner or
their associates. All materials posted herein
are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works. Neither this site nor its
content has been
authorized by Craig Heimbichner,
in whose honor the site
is dedicated.
-- Thomas Penn
Prepared & presented by the N.O.S.,
Snowmass, Colorado, USA
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