"Solomon's Seal, a mystic
talismanic symbol in the form of an interlaced outline of either
a five pointed star or six-pointed star." (Random House Unabridged
Webster's Dictionary, Second Edition, page 1817, where an interlaced

six-pointed star is illustrated as pictured here also.)
According to the commonly accepted mythology, the hexagram, as used in Judaism,
dervies from its use by King David of Biblical fame.
In Michael A. Hoffman's critique of Judaism, entitled
Judaism Discovered, we read that the hexagram, or the so-called
"Star of David" is nowhere mentioned in the Bible:
"The Israeli national talisman is the hexagram which is called
the Magen David or 'Star of David' and is supposed to be the ancient symbol
of Israel. However, such an occult symbol is nowhere mentioned
in the Bible. It was 'bequethed' to rabbinic leaders in the 14th century
by the Hermetiist, King Charles IV of Bohemia and formally adopted as
'the Star of David' in 1898 at the Second Zionist Congress in
Switzwerland." (Michael A. Hoffman, Judaism Discovered: A Study In
the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and
Deceit, page 794, Independent History & Research,
Although it's true, as Hoffman claims, that the hexagram is nowhere explicitly
mentioned in the Bible, others, including
Protestant historian
John Daniel, claim that the
although it was never
used by King David, nevertheless is
implicitly mentioned in the Bible, albiet unfavorably as an occult
talisman that was adopted by apostate Israelites and condemned by God.
Two passages in the Bible are taken by some to refer to the hexagram. There may be others, although
I know of none, except these two:
"But ye have borne the tabernacleof your
Moloch and Chiun
your images,the star of your god..." -- Amos 5:26 KJV
"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of
your god Remphan, figures which ye make to worship them;
and I will carry you away beyond Babylon." Acts 7:43 KJV
We need to keep in mind an important distinction between the hexagram and
Solomon's Seal.
According to the Webster's Dictionary as cited above, Solomon's Seal is either an interlaced
pentagram or hexagram, although it's most commonly associated with the
hexagram. That is, Solomon's Seal represents two opposite sides of the
same occult talisman,
we might say, as pictured in the image below:

That said, there is evidence to suggest that the "star of Remphan", as mentioned
in the Bible, may refer to Solomon's Seal.
For example, Eliphas Levi, French Freemason and famous occult adept, who
had access to rare occult texts taken from the Vatican by Napoleon Bonaparte,
informs us that the Star
of Remphan is the inverted pentagram, which, as he likely knew, can be taken
an oblique
or obverse referenence to Solomon's Seal, given that the interlaced pentagram
is simply one side of a two-faced talisman.
this star, reversed and falling, the king of demons,
Lucifer, was created. Remphan or the flaming star in
reverse which was later made into the head of an ass." Eliphas Levi,
"Mysteries of the Qabalah", p. 59, WEISER
BOOKS. [The images here are from Levi's book].
That said, when the Bible tells us that the apostate Jews raised the star of Remphan,
which, according to Strong's Bible Concordance, is said to be the star of the god
Saturn, or Chronos, to whom
human sacrifice
was made, we can infer that this star of Remphan may well be the Seal of Solomon.
In Qabbalistical magical texts
attributed -- either
rightly or wrongly -- to King Solomon, we see that both of these symbols, the pentagram
and hexagram, when incased in a circle, are used to conjure spirits and called,
respectively, the "Pentacle of Solomon" or the "Hexagram of Solomon".
So we see that the Seal of Solomon, as used in Solomonic sorcery as pictured
above, is identical to the talisman of Saturn, which is supposedly comprised
also of the
interlaced pentagram and hexagram. Is this symbolic evidence that Solomonic
sorcery, as practised in Judeo-Freemasonry, owes its origin to ancient pagan
sorcery? Does this also provide evidence that the Seal of Solomon is indeed
mentioned in the Bible, albiet negatively as an image associated with human
since the 'star of Remphan' is the 'star of Saturn', or Moloch,
according to
Srong's? Since the star
of Saturn is emblematized identically to Solomon's Seal, it seems so.
From an essay by Dr. White, we read:
"Saturn (the latinized African equalivant of Ba'al Hammon) did
not spare his own children; so, where other people's were
concerned, he naturally persisted in not sparing them; and
their own parents offered them to him, were glad to
respond... 14 According to the ancient myth,
Saturn selfishly swallowed up the first five of his children
in order to prevent his destined dethronement by one of
them. 15
Hoping to gain Saturn's favor and thus his blessing, the
Carthaginians worshipped Saturn by imitating him. Serving a
god with ungodly attributes, the Carthaginians were willing
to submit to his murderous demands. Indeed Saturn's demands
may have assisted the Carthaginians in their own
self-serving plans. For the Syro-Palestinian archeologists
Lawrence Stager and Samuel Wolff suggest that "Among the
social elite of Punic Carthage the institution of child
sacrifice may have assisted in the consolidation and
maintenance of family wealth. One hardly needed several
children parceling up the patrimony into smaller and smaller
pieces . . . for the artisans and commoners of Carthage,
ritual infanticide could provide a hedge against poverty.
For all these participants in this aspect of the cult, then,
child sacrifice provided `special favors from the gods."
This suggestion is supported by archeological evidence at
Carthage that the practice of child sacrifice flourished as
never before at the height of its population as well as
Freemason Pike wrote:
"The prophet Amos explicitly asserts that the Israelites,
in the desert, worshiped, not Jehovah, but
Molech, or a
star-God, equivalent to Saturn." ( Albert Pike,
and Dogma, page 309) Saturn may be considered qabbalistically
similar or identical to the sun because there's a hexagonal-shaped
crater on the surface of Saturn.
The number of Saturn is said to be six.
As Michael A. Hoffman notes in Judaism Discovered, the number six
is a Kabbalistically charged number. (See
"Virtually any American who opposes this Kabbalistically significant
idolization of the number six-oriented World War II casualty figure, or the
Israeli legends surrounding the 'Six Days War' or claims of an Old
Testament origin for the six-pointed hexagram that they call the
'Magen David' is going to suffer a loss of one's good name and reputation
at the very least, likely expulsion or shunning from one's church,
and curtalilment of career and advancement and even the means to earn a
livlihood. In Europe, as noted, resistance to this six million idol can
translate into fines and jail terms." (Michael A. Hoffman, , page 762,
Independent History and
Research, 2008)