In astrology, the dot in the circle is a symbol of the sun,
and so it's sometimes called the "sun sign". In the Kabbalistic
numerology, according to Godwin's
Cabbalistic Encyclopedia,
Sun is associated with the number
But the dot in the circle is also said to be an androgynous symbol
in that the point at the center represents the phallus, and the circle
represent the vagina, or female principle, thus making this
symbol yet another symbolical synonym of Solomon's Seal in
the occult world.
Albert Mackey, Masonic scholar and author, wrote that
"among the ancients, the Supreme Deity was bisexual, or
hermaphrodite, including in the essence of his being the male
and female principles, the generative and prolific powers of
nature. This was the universal doctrine in all the ancient
religions, and was very naturally developed in the symbol of
the phallus and cteis among the Greeks, and in the corresponding
one of the lingam and yoni among the Orientalists; from which
symbols the masonic point within the circle is a legitimate
derivation. They all taught that God, the Creator, was both
male and female." (Albert Macke, The Symbolism of Freemasonry,
Churchward, a Freemason, informs us in his book "The
Acrcana of Freemasonry", that the point in the center of
circle, which is a "symbol of great importance in Freemasonry",
according to Mackey, also is a symbol of the
All-Seeing eye: "It was previously stated that the Pole Star
North was symbolized by the one All-Seeing
Eye, also called
the Great Judge of All; also that the dot or Star at the summit
of a Cone, or Triangle, was the Ideograph for Horus, god of
the Pole Star North. The point in the centre of a Circle is
equal to the point at the top of the Triangle, and this Glyph
is equivalent to the Eye; the two are synonymous." (Churchward,
The Arcana of Freemasonry, page 188)
Thus, if the dot in the circle is a emblematically analogous or
synonymous with the All-Seeing Eye, and if, further,
the Blazing Star, Eastern Star, or inverted pentagram signifies
the All-Seeing Eye, it follows that if the Eastern Star is
synonymous with the Hexagram, then, likewise, the circled
dot is synonymous with the hexagram, or Solomon's Seal.
Also, since the hexagram's numerological signature is
6,6,6, perhaps it's true
to say that in making the Obelisk of the Washington Monument 666 feet,
hexagram was thereby numerologically suggested also. The obelisk itself
is 555 feet, or 6660 inches, but with with the height of the
base included, which comprises 20 percent of the total length of the
edifice, the entire monument is said to be 666 feet high.
Interestingly, then, the famed crop circle of July 11, 2001, at the
Gog Magog hills area in the U.K., which was laid down just
two months to the day prior to the 9-11 terror attack, exhibited the
exact same numerological signature as the Washington monument. The crop
circle, consisting at first of simply a dot in a circle, had a diameter
of 666 feet. The width of the circle surrounding the dot was 18
feet (6 + 6 + 6):
Mackey, Freemason and author of The Symbolism of Freemasonry and
other Masonic tomes, wrote in writing on this symbol:
"But the Phallus or Lingham was a representaiton of the male principle
only. To perfect the circle of generation it is necessary to
advance one step farther. Accordingly we find in the Cteis of the Greeks,
and the Yoni of the Indians, a symbol of the female generative principle,
of co-extensive prevalence with the Phallus. The Cteis was a circular and
concave pedestal, or receptacle, on which the Phallus or column rested,
and from the centre of which it sprang." (Makey, The Symbolism of
Freemasonry as presented in the religious texts internet archive.)